Libra’s Desire

This is a submission for Kevin’s No Theme Thursday.

Image provided by Kevin from The Beginning at Last

Upon Autumn’s skies, a Libra is born,
Through her sensual grace, Aphrodite adorns.
The goddess of love and beauty does reign,
Within Libra she dances, amidst a starry terrain.

Her scales of justice held high, she often commands,
But she’s balanced and fair, in all her demands.
A twist of shadow and light, now intertwined,
Within Libra’s spirit, both elements divine.

Ruled by Venus, the planet of desire,
In Libra’s heart, burns a passionate fire.
Fierce and strong, she has a heart of gold,
But if you dare to cross her, her wrath will unfold.

Libra’s duality shines brightly, a mystical light,
Bringing forth swift retribution, in the stillness of night.
Darkness and light, raging equally through her soul,
A force to be reckoned with, her mighty power untold.

©️ Laura Bennett

Libra is the seventh sign of the zodiac and constellation I was blessed enough to be born under. The ruling planet of Libra is Venus, associated with the Greek goddess Aphrodite, who is the goddess of love, harmony, beauty, and partnerships. Libras are born under the element of Air and are Cardinal (ruling) signs. Libra also marks the beginning of the Autumn Equinox, which holds profound astrological significance in that it is one of the two points in the year where day and night are of equal length (equinox means “equal night” in Latin). This celestial event represents an important balance – a moment when the energies of light and dark are in perfect harmony – and is often a great time for reflection and introspection, with the transitioning into the darker parts of the year. ⚖️ Thank you for reading, happy weekend!


      • I swear too, when you write on these themes I realize I know so little about astrology, which is really surprising as it seems ubiquitous at times.

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      • There’s a lot! It doesn’t resonate with everyone, and that’s ok. I’ve been studying it since I was a teenager and I still don’t know everything! But they do speak to a lot of origins in the world, I feel at times. So it can be interesting, even if one doesn’t necessarily believe that a person has the “traits” of the sign they were born under. (That’s a whole other story, as well!) lol 😆

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      • I do think it’s interesting, and for a while I was very much interested in oracle cards and that kind of thing. I love everything symbolism. 🙂

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      • Oracle cards are cool! Definitely can speak to you, if you’re inclined to read them. Symbolism, me too. Especially if it relates to other things in the world 😊

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  1. Absolutely fire !! passion, fascination, and desire entwined with poetry like a magical spell. ❤ I unintentionally crossed a Libra and I’m still dodging her fiery wrath and not kidding in the other realm, she’s a full-fledged dragon! lol Love ya 😉

    Liked by 3 people

    • Thank you lovely! ❤️ oh and nooo I’m so sorry to hear that, lol 😆 oddly enough you mention dragons and I was born in the year of the dragon, haha. We can be some fire-breathing monsters at times, that’s for sure. 😂 thank you again ❤️

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      • Libras are a formidable force, worthy opponents, and impressive dragons (lol), but better friends than anything else !! True adventure seekers, quick snap wit, extreme intelligence, spiritually on ten, loyal as the day is long, wicked tongues (hahaha), and fierce love, but a lesser-known fact once passed the flamethrowing, funny as hell! Awesome sense of humor! You can tell, I have been influenced by Libra’s and dragons ~ ❤ !!!!

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      • Ohhh you are far too kind! ❤️ With you being a Taurus, which is ruled by the same lovely planet of Venus – I’m sure you can relate on lots of levels haha! 😆 glad Libra has a good influence on you, however! And we do enjoy our humor above all! (After the fire-breathing, of course and that’s only if necessary) 😆 but again, you are sweetest and so eloquent in all your lovely words, I am forever bewitched by you ❤️

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