I’m All Out of Gas

This is a submission for Kevin’s No Theme Thursday.

Image by Kevin from The Beginning at Last

Oh, your liquid petroleum magic reigns

And my wallet is the one that feels all the pain

For when I need you most, you’re not around

And yet somehow on every corner, you’re always found

Forever filling up, the bane of my existence

Because work is often a very far distance

Damned if I do, and damned if I don’t

I can’t stop driving though, I just won’t

I really wish your price would go down

Because I wanna take a drive out of town

This isn’t easy, no, and it’s not right

I haven’t a choice, I must give up the fight

Avoiding running empty, it’s always my plight

Because I just can’t stand seeing that dang gas light!

A necessary evil, so what else can I say?

As I sit here scrolling, I’ll fill up for another day

©️ Laura Bennett

Just a tad bit of humor. 🤪 😜

Thank you as always for reading!


      • Sheesh! Tell me about it! I was in the gas line waiting for gas so it wasn’t too bad 😆 thankfully I had friends with me who helped me to push my car along. Ahh, fun memories (sorta?) lol

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      • Yup friends make momenta like that fun. Here in India we drive two wheelers mostly so if I run out of fuel my friend pushes my scooter with one leg while riding his motorcycle lmao.

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      • 😆!!! Nice!! That’s awesome, and probably so much easier to deal with in some ways. I’ve often thought of getting a scooter but the drivers are crazy here, and I certainly don’t think I could take it on the highway, but what do I know lmao 🤣
        And yes, quite adventurous, over all.

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      • They are fun and economic plus the warm weather helps. If these factors check then go ahead and get one. For driving within the city its a great option. I think road and traffic conditions are much better in the US so I guess it shouldn’t be much of a problem however you would have to pay more insurance. So really up to you but I would say go for it. You get one chance at life right?

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      • You are right! I’m not sure about the loophole here but somewhere I read you don’t have to have insurance on scooters, at least in Florida anyways. Currently, I have a 40 mile drive to work but back when work was 4 miles away it would’ve been a good idea I think. Maybe I’ll consider it if I get a job closer. Thanks for the info! Definitely something to consider. And I agree, they are fun! 😁

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  1. I loathe commutes and please be safe traveling back and forth ❤ … I will say, some of my best ideas spring forth on the road, with the windows down! Oh, and blast the music the whole way (lol) !!!

    Liked by 2 people

    • I just got off my 40 mile commute with the music blasting! Haha 😆 and thank you, it definitely can be quite dangerous at times, so I do really appreciate that! ❤️ but you are right, when your mind zones…all those things come flowing in, like a trance state. My medium always says that too, “you’ll get ideas when you’re driving, too!” Haha. And it’s sooo dang true! 😊

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      • Totally and if gas weren’t crazy, I’d either leave now for the coast (2.5 hrs) or a Tahoe day trip before it gets too HOTTTT!!! Hope you got some good “msgs” on your route home ❤ !!! & a good night to you … The moon is going to glow like we at da club!!!

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      • Haha!! Dance partayyy!! 😆 I did get a few messages, one blaringly obviously to tell me it’s time to go to Lake Tahoe!! (With you, of course!!) We’ll split the gas!! Full moon is tomorrow, summer solstice same day, it’s going to be LIT! 🔥

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