There’s a First…

Daily writing prompt
Write about your first crush.

His name was Cosmo.

He had eyes like stars.

He taught me a lot about patience and earning trust. 

Once I gained his loyalty though, his cuddles were the absolute best. 

He was a bit hairy, but I didn’t mind too much.

We had the best dates, snuggling and watching movies on the couch.

He was always a gentleman, too.

He could be a little lazy sometimes, and maybe ate and napped a bit too much, but I didn’t mind because he made me feel loved and like I could be my true self around him.

Yes, really 🥰

He broke my heart when he ran off, though.

He never came back, either. I always thought he would find his way home.

Hopefully he’s out flying among the stars now, as this was over 20 years ago.

Alright, WordPress. Having a hard time coming up with anything insightful on these daily prompts. The travel one yesterday was boring AF, and I had to inject some cuteness with this one, but really?


    • Yes, they know how to weave their way into your heart, that’s for sure.
      Getting under skin 😆 yep that too.

      Doesn’t look like the prompts for a few days out are much better.

      I’m not gonna lie I almost lost my shit at the spirituality one 😂🤣

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      • Definitely, not too exciting. Especially if they’re repetitive. Or written weird. Or just plain suck. Which is the suckiest one for you over these last several months, you think? And which one was your fav? Gorilla Mart? 😂

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  1. Totally agree. Perhaps a bit more variety in the prompts would spark some inspiration. I wish we could tag the wordpress page or the alogrithm generating these prompts : (

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    • Haha! That would be nice! They’re so disconnected it seems from actually caring about their consumers it feels like. I’ve often said we should make up our own lol 😆


  2. Cats certainly know how to get their paws around us. I have loved my time with all the cats I have had over the years. Each one a special place in my heart. But the last one I had, she gave the most endless love, right to the end.

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    • You’re very right there! I have one that has a very special place in my heart as well, that is unfortunately no longer here. A lot of people think cats are pretty detached but I find they are really amazing, great, loyal animals if you spend time with them and understand their behavior. 😊

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      • All the cats I had were all loyal in some way. But the second cat me and my mum had just 6 months from our first one although she liked attention from me, she was loyal to my mum and followed her everywhere in the home.

        The last 2 cats I had a few years apart after passing of the other, one was a stray and the other a rescue.
        The stray had independence but was loyal to me. When I had my own place and she came with me, could see she was alerting me to the post arriving through my door that I did not hear.
        She had her independence. But also liked to come and be with me when she felt like it. Would sleep at the bottom of my bed where she knew that part of the bed was the only place she was allowed and not a paw over the blanket that she lay on there.

        The rescue cat that I adopted after the stray passed away, she never left my side at home. Always there. Would have slept with me if allowed. I alowed sometimes. But not always. And as mentioned always gave lots of love. She would constantly shove her face in mine. 😊🥰

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      • Awwww 🥰 that sounds so sweet. Sounds like you’ve been blessed with many great and amazing cats, they definitely are truly special in their own way, and they know and feel deeply just like we do 😊❤️

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    • When my beautiful Lucy died in 2023, I had quite a few telling me she would since she was fairly young…I have too many cats now, but I so do hope we’ll cross paths again! She was the best cat ❤️

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