A Chance Meeting: Face to Face

Like a panther he prowls, slowly eyeing his prey

She has conjured a shield, through it he’ll find a way

He leaps swiftly ahead, sword arm raised ever high

With a jolt he’s thrown backwards, in the blink of an eye

He looks up in surprise, by a fury consumed

“I’ll take your head, vile bitch!”

His attack is resumed

Her palms facing skyward, she upholds auric field

Eyes aglow red with anger, to her spells he must yield

“Warrior,” she said, brazen stance, head held high

“For where are you traveling,

When the clear end is nigh?”

Holding their position, neither one will reveal

For what they both seek, is the same thing, they feel

β€œNever,” he says, as he lunges ahead

Her field hath been broken, her heart pangs of dread

Her hands are alight, ready for his attack

But it’s to no avail, barely holding him back

She ducks just in time, casting toward him a light

He’s hit with a jolt, but continues to fight

β€œMindless beast,” she concludes, how much pain is he in?

His arms she sees quake, and her patience wears thin

β€œWait!” She shouts out, ‘fore he deals his next blow

Heavy her breath, she had nothing to show

A hesitant pause, sword raised to killing height

If she didn’t think quick, she knew she’d meet the light 

Her hands were aflame, burning blindingly bright

β€œWell?” his annoyance was clear, still ready to fight

β€œThe black flame,” she said clear, β€œyou’re in search of its power.”

She continued, β€œFor what magic it holds, even in darkest hour.”

He stayed silent a spell, his expression so pensive

No matter what she offered, he’d still be quite offensive

β€œYou don’t have to give trust,” she was trying to stall,

β€œBut we could work as one, for the better of all.”

β€œNay, witch,” he said harsh, β€œfor I don’t trust your kind,”

“You lay all your tricks, and you fool with men’s minds.”

The sorceress realized this would not be a simple matter, but she knew this mysterious stranger sought the same thing she did.

What she had yet to figure out was why.

β€œMy name is Lunaria, sorceress of the dark arts,” she started, hoping that the slight tremble in her voice went unnoticed. Perhaps revealing a bit of information about herself would slowly ease his distrust, as she needed to build some kind of rapport between them.

Before he left her for dead.

The barbarian said not a word as his eyes remained fixed upon her. She was determined to gain even a hint of his trust. While he was a menacing spectacle, she did not sense evil within him, but it was clear he had been wounded both physically and spiritually.

His strength and determination would prove most useful for this long journey, for even she wasn’t quite sure of the black flame’s power, nor of the dangers she may encounter along the way. If they could form an alliance, with her magic and his might, their odds of finding what they sought would increase a hundredfold.

The barbarian moved nary a muscle as the sorceress pleaded her case. His first instinct was to strike her down. If she sought the black flame, she clearly craved its power, most likely for her own diabolical purposes. 

And yet, for some reason, he hesitated.

As she spoke, suddenly, he felt a wave of nausea and weakness come upon him. Had the witch somehow poisoned him? He was furious with himself for falling into her trap. He had sworn an oath to find the flame and keep it from wretched hands like hers, and now, he was falling at the feet of this manipulative bitch.

As the sword fell from his hands, the world around him went black.

“I have failed…” he whispered as his body slumped to the earthen floor.

To be continued…

©️ Words and Images by Kevin from The Beginning at Last and Laura Bennett

Do you guys have any predictions for what happens next for our wounded barbarian and the sorceress? Will they embark on this journey together? Or will they remain foes? And what about the black flame? What’s that all about?

Thank you so much for reading our story and hopefully you all enjoyed!

Happy Summer Solstice! And full moon (on Friday).

(This is part 2 of a collaborative continuation story. You may find part 1 here, if you missed it.)


  1. Soooo Good !!! You both collaborate perfectly … “dream-work” and about this black flame ??? Totally intrigued and need me some (lol) !!! I really have no idea what I would do with it or if there’s a need, but fire sprouting from my hands sound pretty wickedly cool! Lunaria needs his trust (*rubbing hands together*) … I mean, muscles!!! Excellent story can’t wait for that “awakening” … πŸ™‚ !!!!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you so much my lovely ❀️ haha, I think I need a little black flame power too LOL! And 🀣 πŸ˜‚ she is definitely hoping to get some of those muscles…ah hem, I mean, his trust! *cough, cough* πŸ˜†
      The awakening will hopefully be epic.
      Thanks so much as always for reading and your kind words, no idea what I’d do without youuuu!! ❀️

      Liked by 3 people

      • Thank you ~ You too … “things” are much calmer and I’m keeping high alert status! It’s been shaky ground, but I always thought that was “outside” forces as the causation. But my anatyltical side says trust nothing and by spiritual side is very loving … so we’ll see how the battle plays out (lol)! You are beyond awesome and the BEST sister!!! Good night and happy hunting tonight ( words … words… ahahahaha) !!!!

        Liked by 2 people

      • Oh, I’m so glad to hear that! 😊 I’ve been thinking about you a lot, positive energy and vibes and healing your way! Hope for calm and peace, you deserve it. I always say, be aware of everything anyways and do everything with an open and loving heart, which I know you do. You have a pure light in your beautiful celestial soul! ❀️ keep it that way, my lovely sister, and no, YOU are the best! Even if we do breathe some fire πŸ”₯ sometimes lol πŸ˜†

        Hunting…yes, that is indeed quite a lot of fun. πŸ˜‰ haha! (Words..words are fun)

        Liked by 2 people

      • Let’s do it!! The moon is full on the summer solstice! Already looking to write something for that! Haha but I’ll settle for swimming in cool water and moon and star gazing near the mountains on the beach! Weee!! Love you too!!

        Liked by 2 people

  2. You work brilliantly together, guys, the storyline is thrilling, captures attention, makes you involved ❀ Loud applauses!
    As for further development, I believe they will unite! Black flame, hmm, maybe something like antimatter?
    Keep on writing! Pictures are also exceptional, btw! πŸ™‚

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks so much for that, so grateful you liked it! 😊
      Always happy when people enjoy the storyline and are involved. Hopefully the next one will be just as good or better.
      And thank you for that! Your appreciation means a lot to me! ❀️

      Liked by 1 person

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