A Chance Meeting

Darkest night in a journey through hell
Weaving words and ancient magic spells
In search of power which yields the unknown
From the shadows, a sorceress travels alone
Walking in the moonlit forest deep
With curses abound, secrets she keeps
She stumbles upon a mysterious, arcane place
Unsure of what lies ahead, she quickens her pace

A warrior discarded, a traveler alone
He wanders through the realm, ever farther from his home
No companion does he crave, he is happier without
A sellsword he’s become, sharpest blade and heart so stout
No one will be trusted, he will not be spurned again
But one day they will pay, one day his struggle he will win

As the sorceress walks along the broken path
Her mind does rage with a vengeful wrath
For she wants to use her powers for good
To help and heal all, with her magic she would
But an evil betrayal, stinging her loving heart
With misguided foes’ deeds, tearing her apart
Departed from her coven, time is of essence
In the shadowy wood, she detects an unknown presence
Her familiar, a companion, her lucky cat so black
Senses a peculiar shadow, hairs raised on her back

Rustling leaves, a twig snaps broken
A presence near, no words are spoken
He sees her in the forest black
Watching quiet from the back
He can tell she senses too
If a witch she be, he’ll run her through
Hesitation cost him before
He won’t allow that anymore
There is no trust, there are no friends
This day someone will meet their end

Her footsteps halt, unsure if danger is near
She closes her eyes, trying harder to hear
In the air she breathes, a masculine scent
A wounded warrior nearby, whose body is spent
Filled with scars deeper than upon his flesh
She wasn’t sure how well their powers would mesh
Taking a step forward, she must take a chance
Perhaps his strong presence, was a fortunate happenstance

He watches her pause, she knows he is here
He does not sense evil, but a slight sense of fear
Or maybe it’s caution? He sees her look slowly around
Though he’s tired and tattered, he leaps quick to the ground
His sword arm is ready, always willing to fight
In an instant they’re facing, under cover of night

Her magic flares, she sees a glint of light
His sword is drawn, now ready to strike
Her power surges, just in time for defense
She’ll resist his blows, no matter how intense
Fear rising in her chest, her alchemy calls
Caught her off guard, but he’ll not win this brawl

Like a wild animal, she knows he doesn’t trust
She must act fast, to save her life is a must
A shield she conjures, from the light in her hands
Mystical protection, in her power she stands
Angry he is, that he can’t pierce her field
Now he must face her, for the realm is sealed

To be continued…

Words and Images ©️ Kevin from The Beginning at Last and Laura Bennett

Happy Friday!

And Happy New Moon!

Thank you for reading.


  1. It reminds me of Homeland, the beginning of the tales about Drizzt du Urden. I prefer Tolkien for my fantasy fix. But a lot of people swear by R.A. Salvatore.

    I’d recommend practicing flash fiction, just as an exercise. You’ve created here a lot of tension, but with the number of words you used, you could have spent more in carving out a more complete micro story.

    But what do I know,
    I’m just a dumb poet. πŸ™‚

    Liked by 2 people

    • Haha, thank you for sharing your thoughts, this was written by 2 of us, and it is in fact supposed to be the beginning of a longer story. 😊 thanks much and I’m sure you’re not at all β€œjust a dumb poet”

      Liked by 2 people

  2. This is absolutely mesmerizing Laura! Your words paint such a vivid and thrilling scene. The images of the sorceress and the warrior are beautifully intense and captivating. I can almost feel the tension in the air and the power in their clash. The way you describe their inner struggles and the eerie, moonlit forest really brings the story to life. Truly spellbinding!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you so much! ❀️ Your words and praise mean so much, and the next piece will be even better! Haha πŸ˜† Appreciate you reading and hope you enjoyed it!

      Liked by 3 people

  3. How fantastic that you’re collaborating like this! I’m amazed by how good the images are, and that once again, they fit and flow so well with the story!

    Liked by 2 people

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